
"That name must have a meaning - but again, thought is a strange thing. I connect that name with something - but with what?""Try to discover," said Joiwind.

"Has there been a man in your world who stole something from the Maker of the, universe, in order to ennoble his fellow creatures?""There is such a myth, The hero's name was Prometheus.""Well, you seem to be identified in my mind with that action - but what it all means I can't say, Maskull.""Accept it as a good omen, for Panawe never lies, and never speaks thoughtlessly.""There must be some confusion. These are heights beyond me," said Maskull calmly, but looking rather contemplative.

"Where do you come from?"

"From the planet of a distant sun, called Earth.""What for?"

"I was tired of vulgarity," returned Maskull laconically. He intentionally avoided mentioning his fellow voyagers, in order that Krag's name should not come to light.

"That's an honourable motive," said Panawe. "And what's more, it may be true, though you spoke it as a prevarication.""As far as it goes, it's quite true," said Maskull, staring at him with annoyance and surprise.

The swampy lake extended for about half a mile from where they were standing to the lower buttresses of the mountain. Feathery purple reeds showed themselves here and there through the shallows. The water was dark green. Maskull did not see how they were going to cross it.

Joiwind caught his arm. "Perhaps you don't know that the lake will bear us?"Panawe walked onto the water; it was so heavy that it carried his weight. Joiwind followed with Maskull. He instantly started to slip about - nevertheless the motion was amusing, and he learned so fast, by watching and imitating Panawe, that he was soon able to balance himself without assistance. After that he found the sport excellent.

For the same reason that women excel in dancing, Joiwind's half falls and recoveries were far more graceful and sure than those of either of the men. Her slight, draped form - dipping, bending, rising, swaying, twisting, upon the surface of the dark water - this was a picture Maskull could not keep his eyes away from.
