"Aren't you here to alter the evil to the good, Maskull? Then what does it matter who sent you?""What can you possibly know of good and evil?""Are you only instructing the initiated?""Who am I, to instruct anybody? However, you're quite right. I wish to do what I can - not because I am qualified, but because I am here."Oceaxe's voice dropped to a whisper. "You're a giant, both in body and soul. What you want to do, you can do.""Is that your honest opinion, or are you flattering me for your own ends?"She sighed. "Don't you see how difficult you are making the conversation? Let's talk about your work, not about ourselves."Maskull suddenly noticed a strange blue light glowing in the northern sky. It was from Alppain, but Alppain itself was behind the hills.
While he was observing it, a peculiar wave of self - denial, of a disquieting nature, passed through him. He looked at Oceaxe, and it struck him for the first time that he was being unnecessarily brutal to her. He had forgotten that she was a woman, and defenceless.
"Won't you stay?" she asked all of a sudden, quite openly and frankly.
"Yes, I think I'll stay," he replied slowly. "And another thing, Oceaxe - if I've misjudged your character, pray forgive me. I'm a hasty, passionate man.""There are enough easygoing men. Hard knocks are a good medicine for vicious hearts. And you didn't misjudge my character, as far as you went - only, every woman has more than one character. Don't you know that?"During the pause that followed, a snapping of twigs was heard, and both looked around, startled. They saw a woman stepping slowly across the neck that separated them from the mainland.
"Tydomin," muttered Oceaxe, in a vexed, frightened voice. She immediately moved away from Maskull and stood up.