Winifred--a plucky woman,if a little too fashionable--who had borne the brunt of him for exactly twenty-one years,had never really believed that he would do what he now did.Like so many wives,she thought she knew the worst,but she had not yet known him in his forty-fifth year,when he,like other men,felt that it was now or never.Paying on the 2nd of October a visit of inspec-tion to her jewel case,she was horrified to observe that her woman's crown and glory was gone--the pearls which Montague had given her in '86,when Benedict was born,and which James had been compelled to pay for in the spring of '87,to save scandal.She consulted her husband at once.He 'pooh-poohed'the matter.They would turn up!Nor till she said sharply:"Very well,then,Monty,I shall go down to Scotland Yard myself,"did he consent to take the matter in hand.Alas!that the steady and resolved continuity of design necessary to the accomplishment of sweeping operations should be liable to interruption by drink.That night Dartie returned home without a care in the world or a particle of reticence.Under normal conditions Winifred would merely have locked her door and let him sleep it off,but torturing suspense about her pearls had caused her to wait up for him.Taking a small revolver from his pocket and holding on to the dining table,he told her at once that he did not care a cursh whether she lived s'long as she was quiet;but he himself wash tired o'life.

Winifred,holding onto the other side of the dining table,answered:

"Don't be a clown,Monty.Have you been to Scotland Yard?"Placing the revolver against his chest,Dartie had pulled the trigger several times.It was not loaded.Dropping it with an imprecation,he had muttered:"For shake o'the children,"and sank into a chair.Winifred,having picked up the revolver,gave him some soda water.The liquor had a magical effect.Life had illused him;Winifred had never 'unshtood'm.'If he hadn't the right to take the pearls he had given her himself,who had?That Spanish filly had got'm.If Winifred had any 'jection he w'd cut--her--throat.What was the matter with that?(Probably the first use of that celebrated phrase--so obscure are the origins of even the most classical language!)Winifred,who had learned self-containment in a hard school,looked up at him,and said:"Spanish filly!Do you mean that girl we saw dancing in the Pandemonium Ballet?Well,you are a thief and a blackguard."It had been the last straw on a sorely loaded consciousness;reaching up from his chair Dartie seized his wife's arm,and recalling the achievements of his boyhood,twisted it.