"What did you say about me in there?"
"Mayn't I say what I like?"
"Well,I said you were a pro-Boer--and so you are!""You're a liar!"
"D'you want a row?"
"Of course,but not here;in the garden."
"All right.Come on."
They went,eyeing each other askance,unsteady,and unflinching;they climbed the garden railings.The spikes on the top slightly ripped Val's sleeve,and occupied his mind.Jolly's mind was occupied by the thought that they were going to fight in the precincts of a college foreign to them both.It was not the thing,but never mind--the young beast!
They passed over the grass into very nearly darkness,and took off their coats.
"You're not screwed,are you?"said Jolly suddenly."I can't fight you if you're screwed.""No more than you."
"All right then."
Without shaking hands,they put themselves at once into postures of defence.They had drunk too much for science,and so were especially careful to assume correct attitudes,until Jolly smote Val almost accidentally on the nose.After that it was all a dark and ugly scrimmage in the deep shadow of the old trees,with no one to call 'time,'till,battered and blown,they unclinched and staggered back from each other,as a voice said:
"Your names,young gentlemen?"