"I hear,"he said,"that you want to play polo up at Oxford."Val became less recumbent in his chair.

"Rather!"he said.

"Well,"continued Soames,"that's a very expensive business.Your grandfather isn't likely to consent to it unless he can make sure that he's not got any other drain on him."And he paused to see whether the boy understood his meaning.

Val's thick dark lashes concealed his eyes,but a slight grimace appeared on his wide mouth,and he muttered:

"I suppose you mean my Dad!"

"Yes,"said Soames;"I'm afraid it depends on whether he continues to be a drag or not;"and said no more,letting the boy dream it over.

But Val was also dreaming in those days of a silver-roan palfrey and a girl riding it.Though Crum was in town and an introduction to Cynthia Dark to be had for the asking,Val did not ask;indeed,he shunned Crum and lived a life strange even to himself,except in so far as accounts with tailor and livery stable were concerned.