"Differences about money matters--extravagance of the respondent"(What a word!Was that his father?)"strained situation--frequent absences on the part of Mr.Dartie.My client,very rightly,your Ludship will agree,was anxious to check a course--but lead to ruin--remonstrated--gambling at cards and on the racecourse--"('That's right!'thought Val,'pile it on!')"Crisis early in October,when the respondent wrote her this letter from his Club."Val sat up and his ears burned."I propose to read it with the emendations necessary to the epistle of a gentleman who has been--shall we say dining,me Lud?"

'Old brute!'thought Val,flushing deeper;'you're not paid to make jokes!'

"'You will not get the chance to insult me again in my own house.

I am leaving the country to-morrow.It's played out'--an expression,your Ludship,not unknown in the mouths of those who have not met with conspicuous success."'Sniggering owls!'thought Val,and his flush deepened.

"'I am tired of being insulted by you.'My client will tell your Ludship that these so-called insults consisted in her calling him 'the limit'a very mild expression,I venture to suggest,in all the circumstances."Val glanced sideways at his mother's impassive face,it had a hunted look in the eyes.'Poor mother,'he thought,and touched her arm with his own.The voice behind droned on.

"'I am going to live a new life.M.D.'"