"My brother-in-law told me your adventure;but I did not know until I entered this room that the gentleman I wished to help was one who had once rejected my assistance,who had misunderstood me,and cruelly insulted me!Oh,forgive me,Mr.Briggs"(Jeff had risen)."I did not mean THAT.But,Mr.Jeff--Jeff--oh!"(She had caught his tortured hand and had wrung a movement of pain from him.)"Oh,dear!what did I do now?But Mr.Jeff,after what has passed,after what you said to me when you went away,when you were at that dreadful place,Campville,when you were two months in Sacramento,you might--YOU OUGHT TO HAVE LET ME KNOW IT!"Jeff turned.Her face,more beautiful than he had ever seen it,alive and eloquent with every thought that her woman's speech but half expressed,was very near his--so near,that under her honest eyes the wretched scales fell from his own,his self-wrought shackles crumbled away,and he dropped upon his knees at her feet as she sank into the chair he had quitted.Both his hands were grasped in her own.

"YOU went away,and I STAYED,"she said reflectively.

"I had no home,Miss Mayfield."

"Nor had I.I had to buy this,"she said,with a delicious simplicity;"and bring a family here too,"she added,"in case YOU"--she stopped,with a slight color.

"Forgive me,"said Jeff,burying his face in her hands.



"Don't you think you were a LITTLE--just a little--mean?""Yes."

Miss Mayfield uttered a faint sigh.He looked into her anxious cheeks and eyes,his arm stole round her;their lips met for the first time in one long lingering kiss.Then,I fear,for the second time.

"Jeff,"said Miss Mayfield,suddenly becoming practical and sweetly possessory,"you must have your hands bound up in cotton.""Yes,"said Jeff cheerfully.

"And you must go instantly to bed."

Jeff stared.

"Because my sister will think it very late for me to be sitting up with a gentleman."The idea that Miss Mayfield was responsible to anybody was something new to Jeff.But he said hastily,"I must stay and wait for Bill.