His wife's observant eyes were scanning this guardian of her child from the crown of his immaculate head to the toes of his correct patent leathers.His expressionless eyes turned to her."This is your wife?"he asked,again offering the passive hand.
"Yes,father,this is Julia,"responded Harry proudly."I'm sorry the time is so short.I do want you to know her."The young man's face grew eloquent.
"That is a pleasure to come,"responded Mr.Evringham mechanically.He turned stiffly and cast a glance about."You brought your daughter,Ipresume?"
"Yes,indeed,"answered Mrs.Evringham."Harry was so glad to receive your permission.We had made arrangements for her provisionally with friends in Chicago,but we were desirous that she should have this opportunity to see her father's home and know you."Mr.Evringham thought with regret of those friends in Chicago.Many times in the last two days he had deeply repented allowing himself to be exasperated into thus committing himself.
"Do sit down,father,"said Harry,as his wife seated herself in the nearest chair.
Mr.Evringham hesitated before complying."Well,"he said perfunctorily,"you have gone into something that promises well,eh Harry?""It looks that way.I'm chiefly occupied these days in being thankful."The young man smiled with an extraordinary sweetness of expression,which transfigured his face,and which his father remembered well as always promising much and performing nothing."Imight spend a lot of time crying over spilt milk,but Julia says Imustn't,"--he glanced across at his wife,whose dark eyes smiled back,--"and what Julia says goes.I intend to spend a year or two doing instead of talking.""It will answer better,"remarked his father.