"Left Mr.Evringham in town,did you?"he asked.
"Yes,he was busy,and in a hurry to get to his office.Grandpa's such an important man.""Is he?"asked Zeke.
"Why ye--es!Didn't you know it?"
"I surmised something of the kind.So Dr.Ballard looked after you.""Yes,--and I do hope my trunk will come."
Jewel looked wistfully at the driver.In spite of his stiff and elegant appearance he had been surprisingly affable."I have a checked silk dress,"she added modestly.""You don't say so!"ejaculated Zeke,wholly won by the smile bent upon him."Well,now,if that trunk don't show up by noon,I'll have to do something about it.""Oh,thank you!"exclaimed the child.
They now sped through the gates of the park and by the porter's lodge,and began the ascent of a winding road.Handsome residences were set among the fine trees,and at sight of each one Jewel looked expectant and eager.
"I expect mother'll be kind of looking out for us,"continued Zeke.
"Poor kid!"he added mentally.
"Grandpa said something about your mother."
"His housekeeper,Mrs.Forbes."
"Oh yes,of course I know about Mrs.Forbes,"returned Jewel hastily and politely."He told me your name too,"she added suggestively.
"Yes,I'm Zeke.And you just remember,"emphatically,"that I come when I'm called.Will you?""Yes,"replied the child,laughing a little."Do you know my name?""It's Julia,isn't it?"
"Yes,but if you called me by it perhaps I shouldn't come,for I'm used to the name of Jewel.""Pretty name,all right,"returned Zeke sententiously."Now you can see your grandpa's house.The one with the long porch."Jewel jumped up and down a little in the seat and held Anna Belle to get a good view.The brown horse trotted with a will,and in a minute more they had passed up the driveway and paused beneath the porte-cochere.