"No,"returned Mrs.Evringham with her most gracious manner."It just happened that Eloise and I were engaged at luncheon to-day,and when we returned the little girl was taking a nap."By this time Mrs.Forbes had brought Jewel's soup and she was eating.
She looked up brightly at Mr.Evringham.
"Yes,grandpa,I went to sleep in your big chair on the piazza.Ididn't know it was your special chair until Mrs.Forbes waked me up."Her grandfather regarded her from under his heavy brows.He was resenting the fact that Eloise had made no effort to welcome the child."Indeed?"he returned."What did she wake you up for?""Because it was time to get ready for dinner,"returned Jewel."It reminded me of the story of Golden Hair,when she had gone to sleep on the bear's bed,the way Mrs.Forbes said,'This is your grandfather's chair!'"She looked around the table,expectant of sympathy.Only Mrs.
Evringham seemed to wish to laugh,and she was making heroic efforts not to do so.Lovely Eloise kept her serious eyes downcast.
"Ha!"ejaculated Mr.Evringham,after a lightning glance of suspicion at his daughter-in-law."I think I remember something about that.But Golden Hair tried three beds,I believe.""Yes,she did,but you see there wasn't any little bear's chair on the piazza.""Very true.Very true."
"Golden Hair was a great beauty,I believe,"suggested Mrs.Evringham,looking at the child oddly."She had yellow hair like yours."Jewel put up a quick hand to the short tight braid which ended behind her ear."Oh no,long,lovely,floating hair.Don't you remember?""It's a good while since I read it,"returned Mrs.Evringham,laughing low and glancing at Eloise.Her father-in-law sent her a look of displeasure and turned back to Jewel.
"Dr.Ballard found you on the train,I suppose?""Yes,grandpa.We had a nice time.He is a very kind man."The child glanced across at her cousin again.She wished cousin Eloise would lift her eyes and not look so sorry."I wonder,"she added aloud,"why Dr.Ballard called cousin Eloise a little girl."No one spoke,so Mrs.Evringham broke the momentary silence."Did he?"she asked.