Ballard come to see me soon,because he has kind eyes,and I'm sure he doesn't know it's wrong to believe in materia medica.Please take more care of father and mother than anything,and say 'Peace be still'if the wind blows the sea.I know,dear Father in Heaven,that Thou dost not forget anything,but I say it to make me feel better.I am Thy little Jewel,and Anna Belle loves Thee,too.Take us into the everlasting arms of Love while we go to sleep.Amen."Jewel brushed away the tears as she ceased,and with her usual quickness of motion,jumped out of bed to get a handkerchief.Turning on the electric light,she went to the chair over which hung the dotted dress.She remembered having slipped a clean handkerchief into its pocket before going to dinner.
In reaching for it her fingers encountered a scrap of paper in the depths of the pocket.She drew it forth.It was folded.She opened it and found it written over in a clear round hand.
"Is my little darling loving every one around her?People do not always seem lovely at first,but remember that every one is lovable because he is a thought of God.Those who seem unlovely are always unhappy,too,in their hearts.We must help them,and the best way to help is to love.Mother is thinking about her little Jewel,and no seas can divide us."A slow smile gladdened the child's tear-stained face.She read the message again,then turned out the light for the last time and cuddled down in bed,her warm cheek pressing the scrap of paper in her hand,her breath still catching.
"Mother has spoken to us,Anna Belle,"she whispered,clasping the doll close."Wasn't it just like God to let her!"Then she fell asleep smiling.