"Would you mind calling me Jewel?You know it isn't any matter about the rest,because they're not my real relations,but Julia is mother's name,and Jewel is mine;and when I love people very much,I like them to call me Jewel."Mrs.Forbes here entered with a tray,and Mr.Evringham merely said,"Very well,"twice over,and retreated into his newspaper.
On the tray were boiled eggs.Jewel glanced quickly up at Mrs.
Forbes's impassive face.She might have remembered.Probably she did remember.
Life had not taught the child to be shy,as has been evidenced;so although Mrs.Forbes was an awing experience,she felt strong in the presence of her important grandfather,and only kept silence now in order not to interrupt his reading.
When at last he laid down his paper and began to chip an egg,Jewel glanced at those which Mrs.Forbes had set before her.Her little face had grown very serious.
"Grandpa,do you think it's error for me not to like eggs?"she asked.
"Mother never said it was.She was willing I should eat something else.""Of course,eat whatever you like,"responded Mr.Evringham quickly.
Mrs.Forbes seemed to swell and grow pink."You always have eggs,sir,and if there's two breakfasts to be got,will you kindly tell me what the other shall be?"Mr.Evringham glanced up in some surprise at the unfamiliar tone.
"Oh,the oatmeal is a plenty,"said Jewel,looking at the housekeeper,eager to mollify her.
"Try an egg.Perhaps you'll like them by this time,"suggested Mr.
"Do you like everything to eat,grandpa?"