"I don't know but I was cut out for a man milliner after all,"he mused complacently."Those bows have really a very chic appearance."His book interested him,and he soon became absorbed in its pages.

Jewel occasionally coming to an orthographic problem looked up and waited,but he did not observe her,so she patiently kept silence and resumed her work.At last the letter was finished.

She looked again at her grandfather,and opened her cramped little hand with relief.The back of her neck was tired with her bending posture.She leaned back in the heavy chair to rest it while she waited.The eyelids,grown heavy with her labors,wavered and winked.

The rain dripped down the panes,as if it had fallen into a monotonous habit.The sound was soothing.Jewel fell asleep.

When finally Mr.Evringham glanced at her he smiled."Little thoroughbred,"he mused;"she'd never disturb me."He rose and crossed to the child.There lay the finished letter.He took it up with some anticipation:--DEAR MOTHER AND FATHER--It is most time to get a leter from you but I will not wait to tell you I am happy and well.