"I do believe I've wronged Eloise,"she thought."How foolish it was to worry.I've been wondering how in the world I was going to get father to give her a wedding,and how I was going to get her to accept it,and now look!That child has thought of the same thing,and will manage it a hundred times better than I could."Jewel stood on the steps and waved her hand as the brougham rolled away.Eloise had seized and squeezed her surreptitiously in the hall before they came out.
"I do feel braced up,Jewel.Thank you,"she whispered hurriedly.
"Is the man over at the golf links?"asked the child,surprised to see that Eloise and her grandfather were going out together.
"He will be by the time I get there,"returned the girl.
As soon as the carriage door had closed and they had started,Eloise spoke."You must think it very strange that I asked this of you,grandfather."There was a hint of violets clinging to the fresh white garments that brushed Mr.Evringham's knee.
"I would not question the gifts the gods provide;"he returned.
She seemed able to rise above the fear of his sarcasms."Not that you would be surprised at anything mother or I might ask of you,"she continued bravely,"but I have suffered,I'm sure,as much as you have during the last two months.""Indeed?I regret to hear that."
If there was a sting in this reply,Eloise refused to recognize it.