Evringham?"he said,in the light,caressing manner which had for a few years been one of her chief worries;"but all the same,you're fond of me just as long as I don't forget my place,eh?You're glad to see me?""You know I am."Mrs.Evringham pressed her hand against the laces over her heart."Such a bittersweet feeling comes over me at the very tones of your voice.Oh,the happy past,Nat!Gone forever!"She touched a dainty handkerchief to her eyes."I suppose your mother is still in her apartment?""She has taken a place at View Point for the summer,and has set her heart on a long visit from you.""How very kind of her,"responded Mrs.Evringham with genuine gratitude."I don't know what father means to do in the hot weather or whether he--or whether I should wish to go with him.Your mother and Ialways enjoyed each other,when she was sufficiently free from suffering.""That time is always now,"returned Nat,a fullness of gratitude in his voice.
His companion looked at him curiously."I can't realize it.""Come and see,"was his reply.
"I will,I certainly will.I shall anticipate it with great pleasure."A very convenient place to prepare a part of Eloise's trousseau,Mrs.
Evringham was considering,and the girl safely engaged,Nat's presence would have no terrors."You think you are really getting into a good business arrangement now?"she asked aloud.
"Very.I wake up in the morning wondering at my own good fortune.""I am so glad,my dear boy,"responded the other sympathetically.