"Push the spring in the end,"said Mr.Evringham.
She obeyed.The lid flew up and disclosed a small silver chatelaine watch.The pin was a cherub's head,its wings enameled in white,as were the back and edges of the little timepiece whose hands were busily pointing to blue figures.
Jewel gasped."For me?"
Her grandfather smoothed his mustache.He had presented gifts to ladies before,but never with such effect.
"Grandpa,grandpa!"she exclaimed,touching the little watch in wondering delight."See what Divine Love has sent me!"Mr.Evringham raised his eyebrows and smiled,but he was soon assured that Love's messenger was not forgotten.He was instantly enveloped in a rapturous hug,and heroically endured the bitter of the watchcase pressing into his jugular for the sweet of the rose-leaf kisses that were assaulting his cheek like the quick reports of a tiny Gatling gun.
"See if you can wind it,"he said at last.
Jewel lifted her treasure tenderly from its velvet bed,and he showed her how to twist its stem,and then pinned it securely on the breast of her light sailor suit,where she looked down upon it in rapt admiration.
"Now then,Jewel,you have no excuse!"he said severely.
She raised her happy eyes,while her hand pressed the satin surface of her watch."Grandpa,grandpa!"she said,sighing ecstatically,"you're such a joker!"