第76章 THE RAVINE GARDEN(2)(2 / 2)

"Oh cousin Eloise."Jewel turned around."Will you come to the ravine after lunch,and see what Anna Belle and I have done?""Yes."

Jewel walked on a little further and turned again."You won't wear your watch,will you?"she called.

"No,I'll surely forget it,"returned the girl,smiling.

The small figure went on,well content.

"Oh,if I could only be invisible in that barn!"soliloquized Eloise.

"How I would like to hear what she will say.How wonderful it is that that little child has more chance of success,whatever trouble Zeke has been getting into,than any full-grown,experienced sage,philosopher,or reformer,who is a worker in mortal mind."Anna Belle came to luncheon that day.Mrs.Forbes actually put a cushion in one of the chairs to lift the honored guest to such a height that her rosy smile was visible above the tablecloth.Not content with this hospitality,the housekeeper brought a bread-and-butter plate,upon which she placed such small proportions of food as might be calculated to tempt a dainty appetite.Jewel felt almost embarrassed by the eminence to which her child was suddenly raised.

"Oh,thank you,Mrs.Forbes,"she said;"you needn't take so much trouble.Anna Belle's just used to having a part of mine."But nothing now was too good for Anna Belle."She shall have a cup-custard to-morrow,"returned the housekeeper.

Mrs.Evringham looked on with lack-lustre eyes.As well make much of Anna Belle as any other idol.Everything was stuffed with sawdust!