bedrooms are for sleeping in, and sitting-rooms are for sitting in.Keep everything to its right purpose, and don't try and delude me into nonsense."Why, my mother would have given us a fine scolding if she had ever caught us in our bedrooms in the daytime.We kept our outdoor things in a closet downstairs; and there was a very tidy place for washing our hands, which is as much as one wants in the day-time.Stuffing up a bedroom with sofas and tables! I never heard of such a thing.Besides, a hundred pounds won't last for ever.I shan't be able to do anything for your room, Molly!' 'I'm right down glad of it,' said Molly.'Nearly everything in it was what mamma had when she lived with my great-uncle.I wouldn't have had it changed for the world; I am so fond of it.' 'Well, there's no danger of it, now the money is run out.By the way, Molly, who's to buy you a bridesmaid's dress?' 'I don't know,' said Molly;'I suppose I am to be a bridesmaid; but no one has spoken to me about my dress.' 'Then I shall ask your papa.' 'Please, don't.He must have to spend a great deal of money just now.Besides, I would rather not be at the wedding, if they'll let me stay away.' 'Nonsense, child.Why, all the town would be talking of it.You must go, and you must be well dressed, for your father's sake.' But Mr Gibson had thought of Molly's dress, although he had said nothing about it to her.He had commissioned his future wife to get her what was requisite; and presently a very smart dressmaker came over from the county-town to try on a dress, which was both so simple and so elegant as at once to charm Molly.When it came home all ready to put on, Molly had a private dressing-up for the Miss Brownings' benefit; and she was almost startled when she looked into the glass, and saw the improvement in her appearance.