Poor Osborne need not ha' been so secret with me.I asked your Miss Cynthia out here - and her mother and all - my bark is worse than my bite.For if I had a wish on earth it was to see Osborne married as befitted one of an old stock, and he went and chose out this French girl, of no family at all, only a -- ' 'Never mind what she was; look at what she is! I wonder you are not more taken with her humility and sweetness, father!' 'I don't even call her pretty,' said the squire, uneasily, for he dreaded a repetition of the arguments which Roger had often used to make him give Aimée her proper due of affection and position.'Now your Miss Cynthia was pretty, I will say that for her, the baggage! and to think that when you two lads flew right in your father's face, and picked out girls below you in rank and family, you should neither of you have set your fancies on my little Molly there.I daresay I should ha' been angry enough at the time, but the lassie would ha' found her way to my heart, as never this French lady, nor t' other one, could ha' done.' Roger did not answer.'I don't see why you might not put up for her still.I'm humble enough now, and you're not heir as Osborne was who married a servant-maid.Don't you think you could turn your thoughts upon Molly Gibson, Roger.' 'No!' said Roger, shortly.'It's too late - too late.Don't let us talk any more of my marrying.Is not this the five-acre field?' And soon he was discussing the relative values of meadow, arable and pasture land with his father, as heartily as if he had never known Molly, or loved Cynthia.