Anthony remembers the business well;but can assign no origin to it,--some penalty,indignity or cross put suddenly on John,which the hasty John considered unbearable.His Mother's inconsolable weeping,and then his own astonishment at such a culprit's being forgiven,are all that remain with Anthony.The steady historical style of the young runaway of twelve,narrating merely,not in the least apologizing,is also noticeable.

This was some six months after his little brother Edward's death;three months after that of Hester,his little sister next in the family series to him:troubled days for the poor Mother in that small household on Blackheath,as there are for mothers in so many households in this world!I have heard that Mrs.Sterling passed much of her time alone,at this period.Her husband's pursuits,with his Wellesleys and the like,often carrying him into Town and detaining him late there,she would sit among her sleeping children,such of them as death had still spared,perhaps thriftily plying her needle,full of mournful affectionate night-thoughts,--apprehensive too,in her tremulous heart,that the head of the house might have fallen among robbers in his way homeward.