If you want to make sudden fortunes in it,and achieve the temporary hallelujah of flunkies for yourself,renouncing the perennial esteem of wise men;if you can believe that the chief end of man is to collect about him a bigger heap of gold than ever before,in a shorter time than ever before,you will find it a most handy and every way furthersome,blessed and felicitous world.But for any other human aim,I think you will find it not furthersome.If you in any way ask practically,How a noble life is to be led in it?you will be luckier than Sterling or I if you get any credible answer,or find any made road whatever.Alas,it is even so.Your heart's question,if it be of that sort,most things and persons will answer with a "Nonsense!
Noble life is in Drury Lane,and wears yellow boots.You fool,compose yourself to your pudding!"--Surely,in these times,if ever in any,the young heroic soul entering on life,so opulent,full of sunny hope,of noble valor and divine intention,is tragical as well as beautiful to us.