Concerning this attempt of Sterling's to find sanctuary in the old Church,and desperately grasp the hem of her garment in such manner,there will at present be many opinions:and mine must be recorded here in flat reproval of it,in mere pitying condemnation of it,as a rash,false,unwise and unpermitted step.Nay,among the evil lessons of his Time to poor Sterling,I cannot but account this the worst;properly indeed,as we may say,the apotheosis,the solemn apology and consecration,of all the evil lessons that were in it to him.Alas,if we did remember the divine and awful nature of God's Truth,and had not so forgotten it as poor doomed creatures never did before,--should we,durst we in our most audacious moments,think of wedding _it_to the World's Untruth,which is also,like all untruths,the Devil's?