"MY DEAR EDWARD,--I was very glad to receive your Letter,which showed me that you have learned something since I left home.If you knew how much pleasure it gave me to see your handwriting,I am sure you would take pains to be able to write well,that you might often send me letters,and tell me a great many things which I should like to know about Mamma and your Sisters as well as yourself.
"If I go to Vesuvius,I will try to carry away a bit of the lava,which you wish for.There has lately been a great eruption,as it is called,of that Mountain;which means a great breaking-out of hot ashes and fire,and of melted stones which is called lava.
"Miss Clark is very kind to take so much pains with you;and I trust you will show that you are obliged to her,by paying attention to all she tells you.When you see how much more grown people know than you,you ought to be anxious to learn all you can from those who teach you;and as there are so many wise and good things written in Books,you ought to try to read early and carefully;that you may learn something of what God has made you able to know.There are Libraries containing very many thousands of Volumes;and all that is written in these is,--accounts of some part or other of the World which God has made,or of the Thoughts which he has enabled men to have in their minds.
Some Books are descriptions of the earth itself,with its rocks and ground and water,and of the air and clouds,and the stars and moon and sun,which shine so beautifully in the sky.Some tell you about the things that grow upon the ground;the many millions of plants,from little mosses and threads of grass up to great trees and forests.
Some also contain accounts of living things:flies,worms,fishes,birds and four-legged beasts.And some,which are the most,are about men and their thoughts and doings.These are the most important of all;for men are the best and most wonderful creatures of God in the world;being the only ones able to know him and love him,and to try of their own accord to do his will.