"Besides learning all these things,and a great many more about different times and countries,you may learn from Books,what is the truth of God's will,and what are the best and wisest thoughts,and the most beautiful words;and how men are able to lead very right lives,and to do a great deal to better the world.I have spent a great part of my life in reading;and I hope you will come to like it as much as I do,and to learn in this way all that I know.
"But it is a still more serious matter that you should try to be obedient and gentle;and to command your temper;and to think of other people's pleasure rather than your own,and of what you _ought_to do rather than what you _like_.If you try to be better for all you read,as well as wiser,you will find Books a great help towards goodness as well as knowledge,and above all other Books,the Bible;which tells us of the will of God,and of the love of Jesus Christ towards God and men.
"I had a Letter from Mamma to-day,which left Hastings on the 10th of this month.I was very glad to find in it that you were all well and happy;but I know Mamma is not well,and is likely to be more uncomfortable every day for some time.So I hope you will all take care to give her as little trouble as possible.After sending you so much advice,I shall write a little Story to divert you.--I am,my dear Boy,"Your affectionate Father,"JOHN STERLING."The "Story"is lost,destroyed,as are many such which Sterling wrote,with great felicity,I am told,and much to the satisfaction of the young folk,when the humor took him.
Besides these plentiful communications still left,I remember long Letters,not now extant,principally addressed to his Wife,of which we and the circle at Knightsbridge had due perusal,treating with animated copiousness about all manner of picture-galleries,pictures,statues and objects of Art at Rome,and on the road to Rome and from it,wheresoever his course led him into neighborhood of such objects.