第78章 TWO WINTERS(4)(3 / 3)

"_Penzance,April 19th_,1841.--My little Boy and I have been wandering about between Torquay and this place;and latterly have had my Father for a few days with us,--he left us yesterday.In all probability I shall endeavor to settle either at Torquay,at Falmouth,or here;as it is pretty clear that I cannot stand the sharp air of Clifton,and still less the London east-winds.Penzance is,on the whole,a pleasant-looking,cheerful place;with a delightful mildness of air,and a great appearance of comfort among the people:the view of Mount's Bay is certainly a very noble one.Torquay would suit the health of my Wife and Children better;or else I should be glad to live here always,London and its neighborhood being impracticable."--Such was his second wandering winter;enough to render the prospect of a third at Clifton very uninviting.

With the Falmouth friends,young and old,his intercourse had meanwhile continued cordial and frequent.The omens were pointing towards that region at his next place of abode.Accordingly,in few weeks hence,in the June of this Summer,1841,his dubitations and inquirings are again ended for a time;he has fixed upon a house in Falmouth,and removed thither;bidding Clifton,and the regretful Clifton friends,a kind farewell.This was the _fifth_change of place for his family since Bayswater;the fifth,and to one chief member of it the last.Mrs.Sterling had brought him a new child in October last;and went hopefully to Falmouth,dreading _other_than what befell there.