Matho wished to ascend in the first that was ready.Spendius stopped him.
Some men bent over a capstan; the great beam rose, became horizontal, reared itself almost vertically, and being overweighted at the end, bent like a huge reed.The soldiers, who were crowded together, were hidden up to their chins; only their helmet-plumes could be seen.At last when it was twenty cubits high in the air it turned several times to the right and to the left, and then was depressed; and like a giant arm holding a cohort of pigmies in its hand, it laid the basketful of men upon the edge of the wall.They leaped into the crowd and never returned.
All the other tollenos were speedily made ready.But a hundred times as many would have been needed for the capture of the town.They were utilised in a murderous fashion: Ethiopian archers were placed in the baskets; then, the cables having been fastened, they remained suspended and shot poisoned arrows.The fifty tollenos commanding the battlements thus surrounded Carthage like monstrous vultures; and the Negroes laughed to see the guards on the rampart dying in grievous convulsions.
Hamilcar sent hoplites to these posts, and every morning made them drink the juice of certain herbs which protected them against the poison.
One evening when it was dark he embarked the best of his soldiers on lighters and planks, and turning to the right of the harbour, disembarked on the Taenia.Then he advanced to the first lines of the Barbarians, and taking them in flank, made a great slaughter.Men hanging to ropes would descend at night from the top of the wall with torches in their hands, burn the works of the Mercenaries, and then mount up again.
Matho was exasperated; every obstacle strengthened his wrath, which led him into terrible extravagances.He mentally summoned Salammbo to an interview; then he waited.She did not come; this seemed to him like a fresh piece of treachery,--and henceforth he execrated her.If he had seen her corpse he would perhaps have gone away.He doubled the outposts, he planted forks at the foot of the rampart, he drove caltrops into the ground, and he commanded the Libyans to bring him a whole forest that he might set it on fire and burn Carthage like a den of foxes.