Installed in her comfortable room, Carrie wondered how Hurstwood had taken her departure.She arranged a few things hastily and then left for the theatre, half expecting to encounter him at the door.Not finding him, her dread lifted, and she felt more kindly toward him.She quite forgot him until about to come out, after the show, when the chance of his being there frightened her.As day after day passed and she heard nothing at all, the thought of being bothered by him passed.In a little while she was, except for occasional thoughts, wholly free of the gloom with which her life had been weighed in the flat.
It is curious to note how quickly a profession absorbs one.
Carrie became wise in theatrical lore, hearing the gossip of little Lola.She learned what the theatrical papers were, which ones published items about actresses and the like.She began to read the newspaper notices, not only of the opera in which she had so small a part, but of others.Gradually the desire for notice took hold of her.She longed to be renowned like others, and read with avidity all the complimentary or critical comments made concerning others high in her profession.The showy world in which her interest lay completely absorbed her.
It was about this time that the newspapers and magazines were beginning to pay that illustrative attention to the beauties of the stage which has since become fervid.The newspapers, and particularly the Sunday newspapers, indulged in large decorative theatrical pages, in which the faces and forms of well-known theatrical celebrities appeared, enclosed with artistic scrolls.
The magazines also or at least one or two of the newer ones--
published occasional portraits of pretty stars, and now and again photos of scenes from various plays.Carrie watched these with growing interest.When would a scene from her opera appear? When would some paper think her photo worth while?
The Sunday before taking her new part she scanned the theatrical pages for some little notice.It would have accorded with her expectations if nothing had been said, but there in the squibs, tailing off several more substantial items, was a wee notice.