"As we passed the two-story little frame house occupied by the American Club, we noticed that the balcony had been decorated all around with wreaths of evergreens and flowers, and the flag was flying from the pole on the roof.Stanzey, the consul, and Ark-right, a gold-mine owner, were smoking on the balcony.Me and Liverpool waved our dirty hands toward 'em and smiled real society smiles; but they turned their backs to us and went on talking.And we had played whist once with the two of 'em up to the ti me when Liverpool held all thirteen trumps for four hands in succession.
It was some holiday, we knew; but we didn't know the day nor the year.
"A little further along we saw a reverend man named Pendergast, who had come to Soledad to build a church, standing under a cocoanut palm with his little black alpaca coat and green umbrella.
"'Boys, boys!' says he, through his blue spectacles, 'is it as bad as this? Are you so far reduced?'
"'We're reduced,' says I, 'to very vulgar fractions.'
"'It is indeed sad,' says Pendergast, 'to see my countrymen in such circumstances.'
"'Cut 'arf of that out, old party,' says Liverpool.'Cawn't you tell a member of the British upper classes when you see one?'
"'Shut up,' I told Liverpool.'You're on foreign soil now, or that portion of it that's not on you.'
"'And on this day, too!' goes on Pendergast, grievous -- 'on this most glorious day of the year when we should all be celebrating the dawn of Christian civilization and the downfall of the wicked.'
"'I did notice bunting and bouquets decorating the town, reverend,' says I, 'but I didn't know what it was for.We've been so long out of touch with calendars that we didn't know whether it was summer time or Saturday afternoon.'
"'Here is two dollars,' says Pendergast digging up two Chili silver wheels and handing 'em to me.'Go, my men, and observe the rest of the day in a befitting manner.'