"Who is this? What is this?" That was the trembling inquiry all down the line.
"Our guard! From Galilee to the birthplace of the Savior, the country is infested with fierce Bedouins, whose sole happiness it is, in this life, to cut and stab and mangle and murder unoffending Christians. Allah be with us!""Then hire a regiment! Would you send us out among these desperate hordes, with no salvation in our utmost need but this old turret?"The dragoman laughed-not at the facetiousness of the simile, for verily, that guide or that courier or that dragoman never yet lived upon earth who had in him the faintest appreciation of a joke, even though that joke were so broad and so ponderous that if it fell on him it would flatten him out like a postage stamp-the dragoman laughed, and then, emboldened by some thought that was in his brain, no doubt, proceeded to extremities and winked.