第26章 The Adventure of the Dancing Men(8)(1 / 3)

"Even now I was in considerable difficulty, but a happy thought put me in possession of several other letters.It occurred to me that if these appeals came, as I expected, from someone who had been intimate with the lady in her early life, a combination which contained two E's with three letters between might very well stand for the name `ELSIE.' On examination I found that such a combination formed the termination of the message which was three times repeated.It was certainly some appeal to `Elsie.'

In this way I had got my L, S, and I.But what appeal could it be?

There were only four letters in the word which preceded `Elsie,'

and it ended in E.Surely the word must be `COME.' I tried all other four letters ending in E, but could find none to fit the case.

So now I was in possession of C, O, and M, and I was in a position to attack the first message once more, dividing it into words and putting dots for each symbol which was still unknown.

So treated it worked out in this fashion:--.M.ERE..E SL.NE.

"Now the first letter CAN only be A, which is a most useful discovery, since it occurs no fewer than three times in this short sentence, and the H is also apparent in the second word.

Now it becomes:--


Or, filling in the obvious vacancies in the name:--AM HERE ABE SLANEY.

I had so many letters now that I could proceed with considerable confidence to the second message, which worked out in this fashion:--A.ELRI.ES.

Here I could only make sense by putting T and G for the missing letters, and supposing that the name was that of some house or inn at which the writer was staying."Inspector Martin and I had listened with the utmost interest to the full and clear account of how my friend had produced results which had led to so complete a command over our difficulties.

"What did you do then, sir?" asked the inspector.

"I had every reason to suppose that this Abe Slaney was an American, since Abe is an American contraction, and since a letter from America had been the starting-point of all the trouble.I had also every cause to think that there was some criminal secret in the matter.The lady's allusions to her past and her refusal to take her husband into her confidence both pointed in that direction.I therefore cabled to my friend, Wilson Hargreave, of the New York Police Bureau, who has more than once made use of my knowledge of London crime.I asked him whether the name of Abe Slaney was known to him.Here is his reply: `The most dangerous crook in Chicago.' On the very evening upon which I had his answer Hilton Cubitt sent me the last message from Slaney.Working with known letters it took this form:--ELSIE.RE.ARE TO MEET THY GO.