"You remember that a stonemason, named Slater, walking from Forest Row about one o'clock in the morning -- two days before the murder -- stopped as he passed the grounds and looked at the square of light still shining among the trees.He swears that the shadow of a man's head turned sideways was clearly visible on the blind, and that this shadow was certainly not that of Peter Carey, whom he knew well.It was that of a bearded man, but the beard was short and bristled forwards in a way very different from that of the captain.So he says, but he had been two hours in the public-house, and it is some distance from the road to the window.Besides, this refers to the Monday, and the crime was done upon the Wednesday.
"On the Tuesday Peter Carey was in one of his blackest moods, flushed with drink and as savage as a dangerous wild beast.
He roamed about the house, and the women ran for it when they heard him coming.Late in the evening he went down to his own hut.
About two o'clock the following morning his daughter, who slept with her window open, heard a most fearful yell from that direction, but it was no unusual thing for him to bawl and shout when he was in drink, so no notice was taken.On rising at seven one of the maids noticed that the door of the hut was open, but so great was the terror which the man caused that it was midday before anyone would venture down to see what had become of him.Peeping into the open door they saw a sight which sent them flying with white faces into the village.
Within an hour I was on the spot and had taken over the case.
"Well, I have fairly steady nerves, as you know, Mr.Holmes, but I give you my word that I got a shake when I put my head into that little house.It was droning like a harmonium with the flies and bluebottles, and the floor and walls were like a slaughter-house.He had called it a cabin, and a cabin it was sure enough, for you would have thought that you were in a ship.