This seemed to establish that the crime had been done in a moment of fury, and that the murderer had seized the first weapon which came in his way.The fact that the crime was committed at two in the morning, and yet Peter Carey was fully dressed, suggested that he had an appointment with the murderer, which is borne out by the fact that a bottle of rum and two dirty glasses stood upon the table.""Yes," said Holmes; "I think that both inferences are permissible.
Was there any other spirit but rum in the room?""Yes; there was a tantalus containing brandy and whisky on the sea-chest.It is of no importance to us, however, since the decanters were full, and it had therefore not been used.""For all that its presence has some significance," said Holmes.
"However, let us hear some more about the objects which do seem to you to bear upon the case.""There was this tobacco-pouch upon the table.""What part of the table?"
"It lay in the middle.It was of coarse seal-skin --the straight-haired skin, with a leather thong to bind it.
Inside was `P.C.' on the flap.There was half an ounce of strong ship's tobacco in it.""Excellent! What more?"
Stanley Hopkins drew from his pocket a drab-covered note-book.
The outside was rough and worn, the leaves discoloured.
On the first page were written the initials "J.H.N." and the date "1883." Holmes laid it on the table and examined it in his minute way, while Hopkins and I gazed over each shoulder.
On the second page were the printed letters "C.P.R.," and then came several sheets of numbers.Another heading was Argentine, another Costa Rica, and another San Paulo, each with pages of signs and figures after it.
"What do you make of these?" asked Holmes.
"They appear to be lists of Stock Exchange securities.
I thought that `J.H.N.' were the initials of a broker, and that `C.P.R.' may have been his client.""Try Canadian Pacific Railway," said Holmes.