"When I approached your room I examined the window.You amused me by supposing that I was contemplating the possibility of someone having in broad daylight, under the eyes of all these opposite rooms, forced himself through it.Such an idea was absurd.I was measuring how tall a man would need to be in order to see as he passed what papers were on the central table.I am six feet high, and I could do it with an effort.No one less than that would have a chance.Already you see I had reason to think that if one of your three students was a man of unusual height he was the most worth watching of the three.
"I entered and I took you into my confidence as to the suggestions of the side table.Of the centre table I could make nothing, until in your description of Gilchrist you mentioned that he was a long-distance jumper.Then the whole thing came to me in an instant, and I only needed certain corroborative proofs, which I speedily obtained.
"What happened was this.This young fellow had employed his afternoon at the athletic grounds, where he had been practising the jump.He returned carrying his jumping shoes, which are provided, as you are aware, with several sharp spikes.As he passed your window he saw, by means of his great height, these proofs upon your table, and conjectured what they were.No harm would have been done had it not been that as he passed your door he perceived the key which had been left by the carelessness of your servant.A sudden impulse came over him to enter and see if they were indeed the proofs.It was not a dangerous exploit, for he could always pretend that he had simply looked in to ask a question.
"Well, when he saw that they were indeed the proofs, it was then that he yielded to temptation.He put his shoes on the table.What was it you put on that chair near the window?""Gloves," said the young man.