第78章 The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez(2)(3 / 3)

"In the meantime the housekeeper had also arrived upon the scene, but she was just too late to catch the young man's dying words.

Leaving Susan with the body, she hurried to the Professor's room.

He was sitting up in bed horribly agitated, for he had heard enough to convince him that something terrible had occurred.

Mrs.Marker is prepared to swear that the Professor was still in his night-clothes, and, indeed, it was impossible for him to dress without the help of Mortimer, whose orders were to come at twelve o'clock.The Professor declares that he heard the distant cry, but that he knows nothing more.He can give no explanation of the young man's last words, `The Professor --it was she,' but imagines that they were the outcome of delirium.

He believes that Willoughby Smith had not an enemy in the world, and can give no reason for the crime.His first action was to send Mortimer the gardener for the local police.A little later the chief constable sent for me.Nothing was moved before Igot there, and strict orders were given that no one should walk upon the paths leading to the house.It was a splendid chance of putting your theories into practice, Mr.Sherlock Holmes.

There was really nothing wanting."

"Except Mr.Sherlock Holmes," said my companion, with a somewhat bitter smile."Well, let us hear about it.What sort of job did you make of it?""I must ask you first, Mr.Holmes, to glance at this rough plan, which will give you a general idea of the position of the Professor's study and the various points of the case.

It will help you in following my investigation."He unfolded the rough chart, which I here reproduce, and he laid it across Holmes's knee.I rose, and, standing behind Holmes, I studied it over his shoulder.


"It is very rough, of course, and it only deals with the points which seem to me to be essential.All the rest you will see later for yourself.Now, first of all, presuming that the assassin entered the house, how did he or she come in?