"Tell me, Professor Coram," he said, at last, "what is in that cupboard in the bureau?""Nothing that would help a thief.Family papers, letters from my poor wife, diplomas of Universities which have done me honour.
Here is the key.You can look for yourself."Holmes picked up the key and looked at it for an instant;then he handed it back.
"No; I hardly think that it would help me," said he."I should prefer to go quietly down to your garden and turn the whole matter over in my head.There is something to be said for the theory of suicide which you have put forward.We must apologize for having intruded upon you, Professor Coram, and I promise that we won't disturb you until after lunch.At two o'clock we will come again and report to you anything which may have happened in the interval."Holmes was curiously distrait, and we walked up and down the garden path for some time in silence.
"Have you a clue?" I asked, at last.
"It depends upon those cigarettes that I smoked," said he.
"It is possible that I am utterly mistaken.The cigarettes will show me.""My dear Holmes," I exclaimed, "how on earth ----""Well, well, you may see for yourself.If not, there's no harm done.Of course, we always have the optician clue to fall back upon, but I take a short cut when I can get it.Ah, here is the good Mrs.Marker! Let us enjoy five minutes of instructive conversation with her."I may have remarked before that Holmes had, when he liked, a peculiarly ingratiating way with women, and that he very readily established terms of confidence with them.In half the time which he had named he had captured the housekeeper's goodwill, and was chatting with her as if he had known her for years.
"Yes, Mr.Holmes, it is as you say, sir.He does smoke something terrible.All day and sometimes all night, sir.
I've seen that room of a morning -- well, sir, you'd have thought it was a London fog.Poor young Mr.Smith, he was a smoker also, but not as bad as the Professor.His health -- well, I don't know that it's better nor worse for the smoking.""Ah!" said Holmes, "but it kills the appetite.""Well, I don't know about that, sir."