He took his meals in his own room, and so was able to give me part of his food.It was agreed that when the police left the house I should slip away by night and come back no more.
But in some way you have read our plans." She tore from the bosom of her dress a small packet."These are my last words,"said she; "here is the packet which will save Alexis.
I confide it to your honour and to your love of justice.
Take it! You will deliver it at the Russian Embassy.
Now I have done my duty, and ----"
"Stop her!" cried Holmes.He had bounded across the room and had wrenched a small phial from her hand.
"Too late!" she said, sinking back on the bed."Too late!
I took the poison before I left my hiding-place.My head swims!
I am going! I charge you, sir, to remember the packet.""A simple case, and yet in some ways an instructive one,"Holmes remarked, as we travelled back to town."It hinged from the outset upon the pince-nez.But for the fortunate chance of the dying man having seized these I am not sure that we could ever have reached our solution.It was clear to me from the strength of the glasses that the wearer must have been very blind and helpless when deprived of them.When you asked me to believe that she walked along a narrow strip of grass without once making a false step I remarked, as you may remember, that it was a noteworthy performance.In my mind I set it down as an impossible performance, save in the unlikely case that she had a second pair of glasses.I was forced, therefore, to seriously consider the hypothesis that she had remained within the house.