第86章 The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter(2)(1 / 3)

"It's this way, Mr.Holmes.As I have said, I am the skipper of the Rugger team of Cambridge 'Varsity, and Godfrey Staunton is my best man.To-morrow we play Oxford.Yesterday we all came up and we settled at Bentley's private hotel.At ten o'clock I went round and saw that all the fellows had gone to roost, for I believe in strict training and plenty of sleep to keep a team fit.I had a word or two with Godfrey before he turned in.He seemed to me to be pale and bothered.I asked him what was the matter.He said he was all right -- just a touch of headache.I bade him good-night and left him.Half an hour later the porter tells me that a rough-looking man with a beard called with a note for Godfrey.He had not gone to bed and the note was taken to his room.Godfrey read it and fell back in a chair as if he had been pole-axed.The porter was so scared that he was going to fetch me, but Godfrey stopped him, had a drink of water, and pulled himself together.Then he went downstairs, said a few words to the man who was waiting in the hall, and the two of them went off together.The last that the porter saw of them, they were almost running down the street in the direction of the Strand.This morning Godfrey's room was empty, his bed had never been slept in, and his things were all just as I had seen them the night before.He had gone off at a moment's notice with this stranger, and no word has come from him since.I don't believe he will ever come back.He was a sportsman, was Godfrey, down to his marrow, and he wouldn't have stopped his training and let in his skipper if it were not for some cause that was too strong for him.No; I feel as if he were gone for good and we should never see him again."Sherlock Holmes listened with the deepest attention to this singular narrative.

"What did you do?" he asked.

"I wired to Cambridge to learn if anything had been heard of him there.I have had an answer.No one has seen him.""Could he have got back to Cambridge?"

"Yes, there is a late train -- quarter-past eleven.""But so far as you can ascertain he did not take it?""No, he has not been seen."