While in Lesser London there are 1,292,737 people who receive 21shillings or less a week per family, it must be remembered that we have investigated a family of five living on a 21-shillings basis.

There are larger families, there are many families that live on less than 21 shillings, and there is much irregular employment.The question naturally arises, How do they live? The answer is that they do not live.They do not know what life is.They drag out a subter-bestial existence until mercifully released by death.

Before descending to the fouler depths, let the case of the telegraph girls be cited.Here are clean, fresh, English maids, for whom a higher standard of living than that of the beasts is absolutely necessary.Otherwise they cannot remain clean, fresh English maids.On entering the service, a telephone girl receives a weekly wage of $2.75.If she be quick and clever, she may, at the end of five years, attain a maximum wage of $5.00.Recently a table of such a girl's weekly expenditure was furnished to Lord Londonderry.Here it is:

Rent, fire, and light...........$1.87 1/2Board at home......................87 1/2Board at the office..............1.12 1/2Street car fare....................37 1/2Laundry............................25
