Mr.Charles Booth, who engaged in a systematic work of years in charting and classifying the toiling city population, estimates that there are 1,800,000 people in London who are poor and very poor.It is of interest to mark what he terms poor.By poor he means families which have a total weekly income of from $4.50 to $5.25.The very poor fall greatly below this standard.
The workers, as a class, are being more and more segregated by their economic masters; and this process, with its jamming and overcrowding, tends not so much towards immorality as unmorality.Here is an extract from a recent meeting of the London County Council, terse and bald, but with a wealth of horror to be read between the lines:
Mr.Bruce asked the Chairman of the Public Health Committee whether his attention had been called to a number of cases of serious overcrowding in the East End.In St.Georges-in-the-East a man and his wife and their family of eight occupied one small room.This family consisted of five daughters, aged twenty, seventeen, eight, four, and an infant, and three sons, aged fifteen, thirteen, and twelve.In Whitechapel a man and his wife and their three daughters, aged sixteen, eight, and four, and two sons, aged ten and twelve years, occupied a smaller room.In Bethnal Green a man and his wife, with four sons, aged twenty-three, twenty-one, nineteen, and sixteen, and two daughters, aged fourteen and seven, were also found in one room.He asked whether it was not the duty of the various local authorities to prevent such serious overcrowding.