"M.Rodin came from Paris to announce to us that the estate was sold, and that he was sure of being able to obtain our continuance in our place, if we would assist him in imposing a priest not of good character upon the new proprietress as her future confessor; and if, the better to attain this end, we would consent to calumniate another priest, a deserving and excellent man, much loved and much respected in the country.Even that is not all.I was required to write twice or thrice a week to M.Rodin, and to relate to him everything that should occur in the house.I ought to acknowledge, honored madame, that these infamous proposals were as much as possible disguised and dissimulated under sufficiently specious pretexts; but, notwithstanding the aspect which with more or less skill it was attempted to give to the affair, it was precisely and substantially what I have now had the honor of stating to you."

"Corruption, calumny, and false and treacherous impeachment!" said Adrienne, with disgust: "I cannot think of such wretches without involuntarily feeling my mind shocked by dismal ideas of black, venomous, and vile reptiles, of aspects most hideous indeed.How much more do I love to dwell upon the consoling thought of honest Dupont and his wife!"

Adrienne proceeded:

"Believe me, we hesitated not an instant.We quit Cardoville, which has been our home for the last twenty years;--but we shall quit it like honest people, and with the consciousness of our integrity.And now, honored madame, if, in the brilliant circle in which you move--you, who are so benevolent and amiable--could find a place for us by your recommendation, then, with endless gratitude to you, we shall escape from a position of most cruel embarrassment."

"Surely, surely," said Adrienne, "they shall not in vain appeal to me.

To wrest excellent persons from the grip of M.Rodin, is not only a duty but a pleasure: for it is at once a righteous and a dangerous enterprise;

and dearly do I love to brave powerful oppressors!" Adrienne again went on reading: