What is it?"
"Oh! that 'un," said Tomboy; "one of the folks who, like you, have not behaved well."
"What do you say?" cried Mdlle.de Cardoville, clasping her hands in terror."Heavens! what is this house? What do they do to them?"
"What will be done to you, if you are naughty, and refuse to come to bed," answered Gervaise.
"They put this on them," said Tomboy, showing the garment that she had held under her arm, "they clap 'em into the strait-waistcoast."
"Oh!" cried Adrienne, hiding her face in her hands with horror.A
terrible discovery had flashed suddenly upon her.She understood it all.
Capping the violent emotions of the day, the effect of this last blow was dreadful.The young girl felt her strength give way.Her hands fell powerless, her face became fearfully pale, all her limbs trembled, and sinking upon her knees, and casting a terrified glance at the strait-
waistcoat she was just able to falter in a feeble voice, "Oh, no:--not that--for pity's sake, madame.I will do--whatever you wish." And, her strength quite failing, she would have fallen upon the ground if the two women had not run towards her, and received her fainting into their arms.
"A fainting fit," said Tomboy; "that's not dangerous.Let us carry her to bed.We can undress her, and this will be all nothing."
"Carry her, then," said Gervaise."I will take the lamp."
The tall and robust Tomboy took up Mdlle.de Cardoville as if she had been a sleeping child, carried her in her arms, and followed her companion into the chamber through which M.Baleinier had made his exit.