"Let us still keep in view the speculator from mere interest.'Here are my workmen, says he, `in the best possible condition to do a great deal of work.Now what is to be done to obtain large profits? Produce cheaply, and sell dear.But there will be no cheapness, without economy in the use of the raw material, perfection of the manufacturing process, and celerity of labor.Now, in spite of all my vigilance, how am I to prevent my workmen from wasting the materials? How am I to induce them, each in his own province, to seek for the most simple and least irksome processes?"
"True, M.Agricola; how is that to be done?"
"'And that is not all,' says our man; `to sell my produce at high prices, it should be irreproachable, excellent.My workmen do pretty well; but that is not enough.I want them to produce masterpieces.'"
"But, M.Agricola, when they have once performed the task set them what interest have workmen to give themselves a great deal of trouble to produce masterpieces?"
"There it is, Mdlle.Angela; what interest have they? Therefore, our speculator soon says to himself: `That my workmen may have an interest to be economical in the use of the materials, an interest to employ their time well, an interest to invent new and better manufacturing processes, an interest to send out of their hands nothing but masterpieces--I must give them an interest in the profits earned by their economy, activity, zeal and skill.The better they manufacture, the better I shall sell, and the larger will be their gain and mine also.'"