"But if it be a matter of business, my friend?"

"I do everything openly, as you know." Then, addressing the servant, M.

Hardy bade him: "Ask the gentleman to walk in."

"The postilion wishes to know if he is to wait?"

"Certainly: he will take M.de Blessac back to Paris."

The servant withdrew, and presently returned, introducing Rodin, with whom M.de Blessac was not acquainted, his treacherous bargain having been negotiated through another agent.

"M.Hardy?" said Rodin, bowing respectfully to the two friends, and looking from one to the other with an air of inquiry.

"That is my name, sir; what can I do to serve you?" answered the manufacturer, kindly; for, at first sight of the humble and ill-dressed old man, he expected an application for assistance.

"M.Francois Hardy," repeated Rodin, as if he wished to make sure of the identity of the person.

"I have had the honor to tell you that I am he."

"I have a private communication to make to you, sir," said Rodin.

"You may speak, sir.This gentleman is my friend," said M.Hardy, pointing to M.de Blessac.

"But I wish to speak to you alone, sir," resumed Rodin.

M.de Blessac was again about to withdraw, when M.Hardy retained him with a glance, and said to Rodin kindly, for he thought his feelings might be hurt by asking a favor in presence of a third party: "Permit me to inquire if it is on your account or on mine, that you wish this interview to be secret?"

"On your account entirely, sir," answered Rodin.

"Then, sir," said M.Hardy, with some surprise, "you may speak out.I have no secrets from this gentleman."

After a moment's silence, Rodin resumed, addressing himself to M.Hardy:

"Sir, you deserve, I know, all the good that is said of you; and you therefore command the sympathy of every honest man."

"I hope so, sir."

"Now, as an honest man, I come to render you a service."

"And this service, sir--"