Adrienne de Cardoville and Djalma had remained alone.Such was the noble confidence which had succeeded in the Hindoo's mind to his first movement of unreflecting fury, caused by the infamous calumny, that, once alone with Adrienne, he did not even allude to that shameful accusation.
On her side (touching and admirable sympathy of those two hearts!), the young lady was too proud, conscious of the purity of her love, to descend to any justification of herself.
She would have considered it an insult both to herself and him.
Therefore, the lovers began their interview, as if the princess had never made any such remark.The same contempt was extended to the papers, which the princess had brought with her to prove the imminent ruin to which Adrienne was exposed.The young lady had laid them down, without reading them, on a stand within her reach.She made a graceful sign to Djalma to seat himself by her side, and accordingly he quitted, not without regret, the place he had occupied at her feet.
"My love," said Adrienne, in a grave and tender voice, "you have often impatiently asked me, when would come the term of the trial we have laid upon ourselves.That moment is at hand."
Djalma started, and could not restrain a cry of surprise and joy; but this almost trembling exclamation was so soft and sweet, that it seemed rather the expression of ineffable gratitude, than of exulting passion.
Adrienne continued: "Separated--surrounded by treachery and fraud--
mutually deceived as to each other's sentiments--we yet loved on, and in that followed an irresistible attraction, stronger than every opposing influence.But since then, in these days of happy retirement from the world, we have learned to value and esteem each other more.Left to ourselves in perfect freedom, we have had the courage to resist every temptation, that hereafter we might be happy without remorse.During these days, in which our hearts had been laid open to each other, we have read them thoroughly.Yes, Djalma! I believe in you, and you in me--I find in you all that you find in me--every possible human security for our future happiness.But this love must yet be consecrated; and in the eyes of the world, in which we are called upon to live, marriage is the only consecration, and marriage enchains one's whole life."