There is no God! Even were He to come upon us we could escape from Him.We could make a very good case for ourselves.This world is safe, secure, founded upon our markets, our treasuries, our laws and commandments, our conventions of decent behaviour, our police and our ministers.God cannot touch us.We are secure...I tell you that at this very moment this earth in which you trust is trembling under you, at this instant everything in which you believed is undermined and is betraying you.You have been given your opportunity--you are refusing it--and God is upon you."His voice changed suddenly to tones of a marvellous sweetness.He appealed, pleaded, implored.The ugliness of his face and body was forgotten, he was simply a voice issuing from space, sent to save a world.
"And we here--the few of us out of this huge city gathered together here--it is not too late for us.Let us surrender ourselves.Let us go to Him and say that we are His, that we await His coming and obey His law...Brothers and sisters, I am as you are, weak and helpless and full of sin, but come to Him, come to Him, come to Him!
...There is help for us all, help and pity and love.Love such as none of us have ever known, love that cannot fail us and will be with us until eternity!"He stepped out from behind the desk, stood before them all with his little stunted, twisted body, his arms held out towards them.There followed then an extraordinary scene--from all over the Chapel came sobs and cries.A man rose suddenly from the back of the building and cried aloud, "Lord, I believe! Help Thou mine unbelief." One of the women who had come with Miss Avies fell upon her knees and began to sob, crying hysterically: "Oh God, have mercy! God have mercy!"Women pressed up the two aisles, some of them falling on their knees there where they had stood, others coming to the front and kneeling there.Somewhere they began to sing the hymn that had already been sung that evening, a few voices at first, then more, then all singing together: