第68章(3 / 3)

"I knew at once that there was danger in our meeting.With other girls they can look after themselves.One hasn't any responsibility to them.It's their own affair, but you believe every word a fellow says.And if we'd been friends it wouldn't have mattered, but from the very first we weren't that--we were something more.""You were so different from any other girl.I've wanted to be good to you from the beginning, but now I see that if we go on I shall only be bad.It all comes in the end to my being bad--really bad--and I want you to know it." "I don't know," said Maggie, "that I've thought very much whether you're good or bad.And it doesn't matter.

I can look after myself."

"No, you can't," he said vehemently, making a step towards her and then suddenly stopping."That's just it--you can't.I've been thinking all the time since the other evening when we were together, and I've seen that you believe every word I say and you trust me.Idon't mean to tell lies--I don't know that I'm worse than most other men--but I'm not good enough for you to trust in all the same.I've been knocking about for years, and I suppose I've had most of my idealism knocked out of me.Anyway I don't believe in most people, and you still do.I'm not going to be the one to change you.""Perhaps I know more about life than you think," said Maggie.