"Now then, darling.Hurrah for some tea!"She poured it out and he watched her in an ecstasy.Strangely she began to be frightened and a little breathless, as though the walls of the room were slowly closing in.The tea had been standing a long time, it was very strong and chill.
The house was a firing-ground of rattle and whirs, but there were no human sounds anywhere.There was dust all over the room.
They had said nothing for some time.
He spoke suddenly, his voice husky and awkward, as though he were trying a new voice for the first time.
"Maggie!" he said."Don't sit so far away.Come over here."She crossed over to him.He, with an arm that seemed to be suddenly of iron, pulled her on to his knee.She was rebellious.Her whole body stiffened.She did not want this, she did not want this! Some voice within cried out: "Take care! Take care!"...He pressed her close to him; he kissed her furiously, savagely, her eyes, her mouth, her cheek.She could feel his heart pounding beneath his clothes like a savage beast.His hands were all about her; he was crushing her so that she was hurt, but she did not feel that at all;there was something else...
With all her might she fought down her resistance.This was her duty.She must obey.But something desolate and utterly, utterly lonely crept away and cried bitterly, watching her surrender.