第172章(1 / 3)


Maggie cried for a little while, then, slowly recovering, realised that she was alone in the room.She raised her head and listened;then she dried her eyes and stood up, wondering what she should do next.

During the last week she had spent all her energy on one thing alone--to keep back from her the picture of Uncle Mathew's death.

That at all costs she must not see.There it was, just behind her, hovering with all its detail, at her elbow.All day and most of the night she was conscious of it there, but she would not turn and look.Uncle Mathew was dead--that was all that she must know.Aunt Anne was dead too.Martin had written to her, and then, because she had not answered, had abandoned her.Paul and Grace were to be driven out of Skeaton because of her.Grace hated her; Paul would never love her unless she in return would love him--and that she would never do because she loved Martin.She was alone then.

She had made every one unhappy--Aunt Anne, Uncle Mathew, Paul, Grace; the best thing that she could do now was to go away and hide herself somewhere.

That, at least, she saw very clearly and she clung to it.If she went away Paul and Grace need not leave Skeaton; soon they would forget her and be happy once more as they had been before she came.

But where should she go? All her life she had depended upon her own self-reliance, but now that had left her.She felt as though she could not move unless there was some one somewhere who cared for her.But there was no one.Katherine Mark.No, she certainly could never go there again.Behind all this was the constant preoccupation that she must not look, for an instant, at Uncle Mathew's death.If she did everything would break...She must not.She must not.She must not.

She went up to her bedroom, took from their box Martin's letters and the ring with the three pearls, and the tattered programme.She sat on her bed and turned them over and over.She was bewildered and scarcely knew where she was.She repeated again and again: "I must go away at once...I must go away at once."Then as though moved by some compelling force that she did not recognise she fell on her knees beside the bed, crying: "Martin, Martin, I want you.I don't know where you are but I must find you.