He could have done great things if--if--some one had looked after him a little.But he hadn't any one.That was my fault.I didn't want you and Paul to think I don't blame myself.I do all the time.
I can't promise to be better in the future because I've promised so often and I never am.But I am sorry."Grace said nothing for a moment.Her hands trembled more than ever.
Then, without looking up, she murmured as though to her sewing:
"Oh no.Maggie...no one blames you, I'm sure."There was another pause, then Grace said:
"I think I'm not well.No, I can't be well because I'm not sleeping, although I've taken aspirin more, I'm sure, than I ought to.What Imean is that they say it's bad for your heart.Of course things have been very unfortunate, from the beginning one might say, but I'm sure it's not been any one's fault exactly.What I mean is that these things never are...No, they aren't really.I expect we all want a change.""What are you frightened of me for, Grace," asked Maggie.
Grace started as though Maggie had indeed dropped a bomb at her feet.She looked up at Maggie, wildly, her eyes staring about the room as though she were looking for some exit of escape.
"Frightened?" she repeated.
"Yes, you are," said Maggie."That's what worries me most.No one's ever been frightened of me before--at least I don't think any one has." Maggie laughed."Why, Grace, it seems so funny any one being frightened of me.I couldn't hurt any one if I wanted to, and I'm sure I never want to unless it's Mrs.Maxse.Be angry with me as much as you like, Grace, but don't be frightened of me.Why, that's ridiculous!"It was the worst word to have chosen.Grace flushed a dull unwholesome purple.
"I'm sorry you think me ridiculous, Maggie," she said."Perhaps Iam.I'm sure I don't know.Yes, perhaps I am.What I mean is that what's ridiculous to one is not ridiculous to another.You're a strange girl, Maggie, and you and I will never get on.No, never.