第175章(2 / 3)

She waited for a little, then put on her hat and coat and went out.

She knew the Flower Street Hall, a place occasionally used by touring Companies, Wandering Lecturers, Charitable Concerts, and other casual festivals.It was at the far end of the town towards the end of the Promenade.

The town, dim in the first dusk, hummed with loiterers, girls released from the shops walking with their young men, middle-aged couples sauntering out to take a last whiff of the sea before going in to the evening meal, one or two visitors from the Hotel strolling across to the beach to watch the first evening stars and the rising moon.Pianos were playing, children shouting over the last game of the day; all hushed into a coloured mild tranquillity.In the fields beyond the houses the quiet was absolute.

Maggie found the building.The facade was blazing with electric light.A huge poster, of the now familiar pink, declared:


There was a crowd about the doors, and continually, with giggles and shamefaced laughter, couples broke away and climbed the steps into the Hall.Maggie, feeling that all eyes were upon her, entered the building.In the vestibule two grave-faced women in black bonnets handed papers with prayers and hymns to every newcomer.Maggie took hers, a door was opened in front of her, and she went in.The auditorium was a large one, semicircular in shape, with tiers of seats rising circus-fashion to a ceiling decorated with silver stars and pink naked cherubs.The stage had upon it a table, some chairs, and a reading-desk draped in crimson cloth.Below the stage was a small orchestra, consisting of two fiddles, a cornet, drum, and a piano.There was also what seemed to Maggie a small choir, some women dressed in white and some men in black coats and white bow ties.Across the stage were suspended broad white bands of cloth with "Come to Jesus!" "Come now!" "He is waiting for you!" in big black letters.